Future in Comics

Activity: EventsConference


This conference aims to investigate ways in which comics explore the idea of “future.” Its goal is to gather scholars from the field of comic studies and related fields, such as linguistics, philosophy, literary studies, cultural studies, sociology, anthropology, film studies as well as others that can discover a conceptual connection to the rigorous study of comics.

Given our broad and yet specific purpose, we aim to discuss work on comics originating from all major traditions: French bande desineé, American and British comics, Italian fumetti, Japanese manga, and so on. In pursuing this cross-cultural approach, we wish to discuss not only how different conceptions of the future in comics can be compared and analysed, but also how comics offer unorthodox modes of representation that allow for creative, intellectual freedom that may be different from literature and cinema.
Period3 Sept 20155 Sept 2015
Event typeConference
LocationStockholm, SwedenShow on map
Degree of RecognitionInternational


  • Comics
  • graphic novels
  • science-fiction
  • Horror
  • Time Travel fiction