Designing with waste or with resources

Activity: External talk or presentationInvited talk


Baker-Brown was invited by the National Laboratory for Civil Engineering in Lisbon Portugal to make a 30 min presentation at their annual seminar "CDW: Going further". Baker-Brown presented a paper (on Zoom) on the subject "Designing with waste or with resources?", focusing on the important role of architects in using mined waste from other buildings in their designs.

The seminar was held in the main auditorium at the headquarters of the National Laboratory for Civil Engineering in Lisbon. The seminar aimed to share experiences that contribute to more resilient constructions and identifies ways to go further in the use of resources and in the valuation of construction and demolition waste.

Understanding the importance of existing resources in the built environment, reusing instead of recycling at the end of the life cycle, deconstructing instead of demolishing, are priority options for the decarbonization of the construction sector. In the urban environment, these issues assume a special relevance since the population growth requires a quick response with regard to construction.

An adequate and effective management of resources, namely through their quantification, characterization and evaluation, constitutes an essential requirement in all areas of civil engineering activity, in order to ensure the application of the principles established in a circular economy model throughout the its life cycle.

The seminar took place in the Auditorium of the Congress Centre, from 9:30 am to 5:30 pm on November 21st 2022
Period21 Nov 2022
Held atNational Laboratory for Civil Engineering, Portugal
Degree of RecognitionInternational


  • Reuse
  • Designing Out Waste
  • Waste as a Resource
  • Architectural Design
  • Climate Crisis
  • Circular cities
  • Circular economy