A light in the darkness: Illuminating the dark side of occupation

  • Twinley, R. (Presenter)
  • Deborah Murphy (Presenter)
  • Hollie Berrigan (Presenter)
  • Keir Harding (Presenter)

    Activity: External talk or presentationInvited talk


    Keynote: The dark side of occupation is a concept that identifies how OTs have been traditionally concerned with activities that bring obvious health benefits. The difficulty is that no one is ever detained in prison or hospital due to their inability to shop or cook. This session includes academic, clinical and lived experience and provides examples of how OTs might enhance their expertise in areas such as suicide and violence, as well making a case that this is an essential part of our work
    Period23 Nov 2022
    Event titleThe Occupational Therapy Show : 23-24 November 2022
    Event typeExhibition
    Location Birmingham , United KingdomShow on map
    Degree of RecognitionInternational